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The Red List: Global Edition

We are excited to introduce you to our Autumn Winter 2023 collection “The Red List”, inspired by the IUCN Red List (The International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List). This is our continued journey to raise awareness about biodiversity and drive change for the vision of a better tomorrow.


Out of sight - but surely not out of mind. Our second release of the season considers wildlife on a global scale. After all, everything on our planet is intertwined.

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Cuddly Koala

Worldwide known as a beloved symbol of Australian wildlife, Koala numbers have dramatically decreased in the last years. Now enlisted as ‘endangered’, these Australian natives are suffering from habitat loss, fires and droughts. In fact, the Australian even predicted a possible extinction by 2050 should there be no interventions or changes.


Gorilla Gracious

Claiming the title of the largest of the great apes, gorillas are closely related to humans with 98.3% of their DNA being identical. Sadly, due to poaching, disease, habitat loss and slow reproduction rates, the population of these gentle giants are slowly decreasing.

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A Tiger's Tale

Being the largest living cat species and an apex predator, tigers are a well-known symbol of nature’s wildlife. However, over the past decade, numbers have started to decline, listing tigers as endangered with a number of subspecies even considered extinct.

Red Riding Panda

Despite what their name might suggest, Red Pandas are not related to the giant Panda. What both species do share is a love for bamboo and the threat of poaching and habitat loss which is leaving the Red Panda to be listed as ‘endangered’.

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Malus Flower

Niedzwetzky’s Apple is one of the world’s most endangered fruit trees. In the wild, the tree may reach a height of up to 7.5m with large, magenta-coloured flowers and bright red apples. The apple’s red pigment is even thought to have medicinal properties. The last remaining Niedzwetsky Apple trees can be found across Central Asia.

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